Nature calls you in North Savo
The Rural Professions Association, whose aim is to promote the availability of new entrepreneurs and skilled professionals for forestry and agriculture as well as to increase the awareness and networking of the field, was formed in Northern Savo on 18.08.2011. The association introduces children, young people and teachers to agriculture and forestry professions, rural entrepreneurship as well as more broadly to the opportunities of the countryside as a living, work and business environment. The association amongst other things organises company visits for students and teachers, presents rural professions in schools as well as offering PPO (Practical Professional Orientation) and summer jobs for teachers and students. The association also maintains a network of marketing and cooperation of the operators of the industry and promotes the image of the agricultural and forestry sectors. For this work the association employs a full-time employee.
The operations of the association started at the beginning of the year (official registration 2.1.2012) During the course of this year marketing material designed for young people and partners will be produced, web pages and different social media services telling of the professions and association will be opened as well as different events, presenting the forestry and agricultural professions being implemented throughout North Savo (attached plan of action).
You can join the association as a full member or support member by returning the attached application form. The operations of the association can also be supported with an operating grant.
The membership fee is determined by the membership amount of the organisation/number of persons or according to the volume of operations, so that it is in a fair and equitable relation with other members (enclosed the membership fee table) A subscription fee and half of the membership fee is charged from those subscribing in 2012 Attached is a list of the current members and composition of the board of the association. The operation of the association is based on the Countryside teaches (Maaseutu opettaa) and Young and promising to the rural areas (Nuori ja lupaava maaseudulle) projects, of which you can find more information from the attached.